5th Hour Thoughts

School…I’m tired. Not in the mood to know what the difference between a proton and a neutron. I guess that’s just something I need to forget later on, huh? Gonna end up forgetting it anyway. From the help I get from my mother, it’s hard to believe she remembers her alphabet.

I can’t blame the adults however. Those who went to collage and didn’t forget everything they needed to know, bravo! I’m proud of you. Being the 14 year old that I am, I could really care less. The only thing I want to think about is photography, writing, and reading. The rest can be done with, if you ask me. I don’t need to know the different parts to the nucleus of an atom right now. I’m not worried about the positive and negative charges that come from within.

Other than that? My head hurts and it’s only 5th hour. However, the day is going fairly quickly and I’m hoping that the rest of the day is easy going. I made a 96 on my French test, the rest of my day is invalidly comprehended inside the folds of my big brain. Complain. Complain. Complain.

Yes, I know. You’re not interested, but sometimes it’s easy to see inside the words of a teenage girl’s posts. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find something interesting to use later on.

What’s It Like To Be A Tree?

I wonder what it’s like to be a tree

Looking down motionless at me

Does he see color?

Or does the color bleed?

When snow falls over head

does he lose his leave in dread?

Or does the tree 

fall with the leaves


Does a willow really weep?

Does he frown or does he sleep?

Do his vines smile in the breeze?

What’s it like to be a tree?

I wish the trees could tell me.

Share all those years that they have seen. 

Then the tree asks

What is it like to be me?

That Time Of Year

That Time Of Year

Fast Car -Tracy Chapman

Fast Car -Tracy Chapman